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Thursday, May 1, 2008

tips to meet a blind person

* Practical Hints for Relating to a Blind Person
1. Before you decide that a blind person is confused, be sure it isn't due only to lack of orientation. Do not "over-assist". Check before providingunnecessary, and unwanted, help.
2. A blind person doesn't have to "save" their remaining vision. Eyes cannot be weakened or damaged by normal use.
3. Don't be overprotective. Encourage the blind person should do as much as possible by himself, and for himself.
4. Identify yourself upon entering and exiting a room or area. It is very embarrassing to discover that you are "talking to yourself", thinking someoneis in the room with you or to be frightened when discovering that you are not alone.
5. Eliminate the use of the words "over there" and "over here". Preface the directional words "left" and "right" with the word "your"...
6. Write notes with black felt-tip pen on white paper or use audio cassettes for messages.
7. Allow the blind person to make contact with the environment by placing their hand on a stable object when leaving them alone for a minute.
8. Don't be afraid to use the words "see", "watch", "look" or "I want to show you something". These are used in speech and their omission would be evident,making conversation unnatural and uncomfortable.
9. When you're in a blind person's room or home, leave items where they were placed. If you move them, it may be difficult to find them again.
10. When guiding a blind person, let him or her take your arm and follow you. DON'T push them ahead of you!!
11. Always talk directly to a blind person, not through the companion. He or she is quite able to talk for themselves.

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